Sunday, March 24, 2013

10 months & 25 years

 Look at my teeth!!

Our sweet pumpkin head is 10 months old. Whew. That's almost one! Babies get more and more fun each month..just once you think it can't get any better, it does. At ten months, Colten:
-stands on his own without pulling up on anything
-cruises around the couch while holding on
-has taken 2 little steps
-has 4 adorable teeth
-sleeps 10-12 hours at night, but is still the worst napper
-loves being outside more than anything
-has finally discovered how to open drawers & make big messes
-gives high fives & waves bye-bye
-loves to eat whatever mommy & daddy are eating
-can climb up a couple steps
-loves bath time & playing in the bathroom
-had his first overnight stay with grandma two days ago!
-plays with his piano, walker, and mostly things he shouldn't play with (cords, utensils, xbox, etc)
-says "mama" when he's sad and "dada" when he's happy
-gets a huge smile on his face when daddy comes home from work
-thinks Walmart & Food Lion are Heaven
-Is the sweetest thing I've ever known.

Today my amazing husband is 25 years old!!! 25 is so young... I told him he could live 3 more of the life that he has already lived. That's crazy! & the rest of his life gets to be spent with me! I am lucky. This man is such a good daddy. He helps out whenever possible, never complains, and loves me and Colten more than anything. We love to go on family walks, watch Lost, eat ice cream, and just hang out. For his birthday we had dinner at Melting Pot & stayed in a hotel friday night while my mom watched Colten. The food was amazing & so was the company. Happy birthday, sweet Andrew. I love you so, so much.

Dessert... dip all of this in dark chocolate marshmallow goo :)

Bath time with JJW <3

24.5 weeks! This was after our delicious dinner.. on our way to the pool and hot tub!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe he is standing on his own and taking little steps! That is so fun! I hope he's walking by the time we come to visit! You look great and I am so glad you are enjoying the first year, because you get to do it all over again :). Excited for you!
