Wednesday, April 25, 2012

THE car & THE bike ride

My wonderful, beautiful (always has something wrong with it) Edge has been in the shop for 2 weeks now. We knew it was going to be a while to fix the airbags in the car, so the Ford dealership gave me one of their cars to drive for free for the time being. AWESOME! I AM grateful to be putting thousands of miles on a car that's not mine without any cost & I'm grateful that this car has such great gas mileage; however, take a look at what I've been driving. A Lime green Ford Fiesta hatchback.
People really do stare at me while I'm driving by. I noticed it terribly for the first few days that I had the car. I even heard people in the car next to me at a stop light talking about how terrible my car was! Sometimes now that I've had it for such a long time, I forget why heads are turning as I drive by & I think I'm hot stuff ;)
37.5 weeks! He's really sticking out in this outfit! :) On to the bike ride.. from hell. Being 8 1/2 months pregnant and all, normally I realize I can't quite do everything that I used to & I hold back a little. Well, Saturday night I REALLY wanted to go for a bikeride. I've been wanting to go on one for weeks, but had convinced myself it wasn't practical until Saturday. Andrew wasn't home. We live on the 3rd floor. A thunderstorm was predicted to hit any minute. The sky LOOKED clear, so I thought I was safe. I carried my bike down the stairs with a bag of trash, took the trash to the dumpster, and hopped on my bike. Huh, not as comfortable as I remember. Wait, was I really out of breath after pedaling 10 feet? Couldn't be! I used to ride my bike for miles and miles without any problem at all, surely I could ride a mile or two with this belly? Not really. I had to put the bike in its easiest settings--so I was pedaling 100 times just to move 3 inches. Each time I pedaled, my thighs hit my belly & it was quite uncomfortable. I was determined to AT LEAST ride around the school next to our complex. As I was about 1/3 of the way done, a boy yelled out to me sarcastically, "I hope you enjoy your bike ride!!!". As I hit the half way point, the rain started coming.. and I mean realllllly coming. I thought I might die right there on the sidewalk, if not, at least I'd go into labor? About 15 minutes later, I got back to our complex, somehow managed to carry my bike back upstairs, and sat down completely winded vouching to NEVER do that again. Yikes. Sometimes I'm dumb :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


For some of you who don't know my husband very well, you may not have the slightest idea that he is 100% nerd. This man loves video games, computers, technology, and of course, Star Wars. I'm mostly ok with him being a nerd :) Although I hate video games, he never plays when I'm awake, so I can't really complain. Last week a new Star Wars edition Xbox 360 came out for a whopping $450. Little did I know that my love had enough rewards points/trade ins to pay for $410 of it. So, look at the newest addition to our home.
It even makes R2-D2 sounds & comes with a Star Wars game for the Kinect!
What wife wouldn't want this glamorous device in her living room?? :P