Sunday, May 25, 2014

My Boy

Words cannot even begin to describe how much I adore this little boy!!! I am so lucky he is mine! Yesterday Colten turned two, and it was such a wonderful day. Simple, but perfect. When he woke up, we had a pile of gifts out in the living room for him along with a few tractors that I didn't attempt to wrap. I'm addicted to online yardsale groups, and I found a huge lots of Cars characters and john deere tractors for cheap! Best find ever. Colten was THRILLED! He wanted me to unwrap the presents for him, and then he would say the character's name who was just opened with a huge smile on his face. Adorable.

The kids and I walked to the school park in the morning and played with all of his new cars for hours in the kitchen. He also got to watch some "Queen" while I showered. I made homemade pizza pockets and blueberry cupcakes for lunch, and after we ALL took a loooong nap, we went to the park as a family. The Can-Do park has a big sand area, and Colten loves it. Clara actually liked it too. He also loves the swing and running around the park freely. Only a couple other kids were there & it was a beautiful night. We stopped at my parents' on the way home so Colten could open his gifts from them and from Gigi. He was so excited to see my parents and kept jumping for joy!! Yesterday was the happiest he's been in a while. He had a nasty cold for a couple weeks and I found out on wednesday that he has a terrible ear infection. Ever since he's been on antibiotics, he has been a different child. Poor, sweet boy was probably in so much pain.

Colten is a happy boy, but is usually pretty shy and is very attached to me. In public, he rarely goes to anyone, including Andrew, willingly... he just wants his Momma. He LOVES other kids & talks often of his friends Juliet, Aidan, Zoe, Brooklyn & Gavin. His favorite place to be is outside. He asks to go on a "alk" everyday to the "brary". Unfortunately, our library is closed for 6 weeks so he is very sad each time I tell him it's closed. He knows where we are going when we turn onto certain streets that take us to see "Pa", "Aid", Gra"cie" "Juliet", "Rue" and "da-ee". He wants milk, milk, veggie chips, and more milk all day long. He is obsessed with Cars, and especially with the character Doc & the tractors. He loves reading books, mostly about "Queen" and "Melmo". He is an incredible jumper & loves his trampoline and water table! He is happy in the car & in the store as long as he's holding a toy or an item for me. He loves Rue & rough housing with Daddy.

Colten is a sweet brother & doesn't like Clara to be sad or left alone in a room. Sometimes I find him making Clara "Fah" (laugh) in one of the bedrooms & it warms my heart. I love my Colty boy & really can't believe he's only two! I feel like my life began when I became his mom <3 Happy birthday, Colten!