Monday, February 27, 2012

Baby Shower

Val & I had a joint baby shower last weekend, and it was incredible! So many friends and family members gathered for this special event & we were more spoiled than I ever thought possible.

My mom and Norma Jean (Val's grandmother-in-law) put it together for us. It was held at the Georgia House restuarant in Milford in a private upstairs room. We ate salad, sandwiches, fruit, brownies, pretzel salad, and ice cream cake :) We played two quite fun games: one where each team races to find an item in a baby magazine first, and the other was name that tune to songs that have "babe" or "baby" in the title. We had a good amount of time to mingle and chat and then the present opening began. Opening presents really stresses me out. You want to do it fast enough that everyone isn't bored, but you also want to take the time to thank and show appreciation to each person who so kindly gave you a gift. I got SO MANY PRESENTS! You can't even imagine. Blankets, bibs & socks
Diapers & wipes!
I got bath sets, towels, washcloths, infant medicine, binkies, diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream, first aid kits, a baby calendar, a swing, a vibrating seat, blankets, peepee teepees, socks, baby toys, bibs, burp cloths, and AT LEAST 50 outfits for Colten. I could not believe it! Each time I thought I had finally opened them all, we found 1, 2, or maybe even 3 more presents hidden in the mess I had made. I loved every single gift I received.

I couldn't wait to bring everything up to our apartment, so I took 6-8 trips carrying up all of my goodies and then began organizing. I laid everything out on the couch in piles according to what it was, and then I organized his clothes by size. I washed all of his Newborn-6 months outfits in one GIANT load, and Andrew helped me fold them & put them away once he got home. He built the swing & the vibrating chair, and now everything is nice and organized :) My favorite shoes EVER <3
0-3month shirts & bottoms
NB-3m PJs & onesies
Every day I take a look at all of Colten's things & try to imagine him wearing/using them. This is such an exciting time in our lives- I am SO grateful that I have so many wonderful friends and family members to share it with <3

29.5 weeks... geting wider, just not rounder :P

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Each time I recieve a new batch of hand-me-downs, I very quickly become obsessed with them. I can't get over how TINY newborn clothes are and how ADORABLE baby clothes can be. Last week a friend of mine gave me boxes of clothes & these are a few of the items I can't stop looking at.

I know babies don't need shoes & they usually hate wearing them, but these shoes are to die for. Colten will wear them.. even if it's only for a few photo shoots :) (I put the chapstick next to them to show how teensy they are!)

Next Halloween!

Stud muffin to be!

Such cute pajamas.
We have been so lucky to have so many friends give us some of their boys' old clothes! We're so grateful for their generosity & we've LOVED everything we've gotten. Can't believe the baby shower is this Saturday.. eeek, exciting!! :D

By the way, my belly grew inches over the last week!!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Valentine's Day Strike

This year Andrew and I have decided that we are not going to celebrate Valentine's Day. He's a little nervous that this is a trick and that it will quickly backfire, but it truthfully isn't going to :) There have been times in the past where I've NEEDED something special on Valentine's Day.. where I've needed to feel appreciated, loved, or special. I'm sure there will be times in the future where I feel the same way, but this year that is not the case. There is nothing Andrew could do on Vday to show me he loves me any more than he does on a daily basis. He's a terrific husband. He tells me he loves me 300 times a day. He hugs & kisses me constantly. He tells me he misses me when he calls from work. He helps cook & clean whenever I ask (& sometimes on his own). He tells me I'm the best wife ever every day.. and those are strong words since I have not been myself most of this pregnancy! He lays in bed & plays with my hair every night, even when he isn't ready for bed yet. He is simply amazing.

(My favorite part of last year's Valentine's Day)
I do feel a little bad for single people on Valentine's Day. I was never one of those "I hate my life & everyone hates me because I'm single and alone today" kind of people, but I can understand why some feel that way. It breaks my heart that some people feel so lost, so lonely, and so unloved. I wish I could help these people understand what they're truly worth. Sigh.

(Laaaast February :D)
We hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day & that those who need to be spoiled and given some extra loving get what they deserve. The truth is, I think we're a little too cheap to celebrate. Hmmm DQ Vday date? $6 might be worth it :P