And what about snacks?? I'm on a nut cluster, grapes, and Ritz crackers with pepperoni kick.. but I want new "healthy" snacks. I eat very often, and I eat a lot, so I need to be making healthier choices :)
Even though this blog isn't about them, I have to post pictures!! :)
Sometimes her hair is red!! Sometimes blonde.. sometimes brown!
Seriously delicious tamales. Colten kept asking for "moy" and dug the husk out of the trashcan while I was nursing Clara. Sweet boy is talking so much lately!
Clara sporting her Vera shoes and onesie from great grandma temple! LOVE.
Ok, so now onto complaining. How do you break the habit?! I don't walk around complaining to anyone I see, but I do complain a lot to Andrew and those I talk to daily. I complain that I'm tired, the babies won't sleep, we're poor, I'm hungry & there's nothing to eat, and that Andrew works too much. Dumb stuff. I need to stop. I am so, so blessed. My 24 hours with no complaining went really well.. maybe I should just try that every single day? What helps you look at your life more positively?
Gossiping. It's a tricky topic. Sometimes people need to vent. Sometimes friends confide in one another. Sometimes people drive us insane and we want to tell someone why. Sometimes we talk badly about others to make ourselves feel better. Sometimes people talk about those you know and you might actually agree with the negative points they are making. Sometimes you might totally disagree. Sometimes you try to say something positive about the person that is being targeted, but it doesn't help the situation. Sometimes you just "listen" and aren't sucked in. Sometimes you are sucked in. Sometimes I wonder what people say about me when I leave the room after I hear what some say about others. Sometimes I need to be more bold. Sometimes I need to stand up for people. Sometimes I need to walk away. I need to be better always. How do you avoid the trap of gossiping? I'm not talking about sharing situations in confidence with good friends or casual conversations about friends' lives. I'm talking about nasty, nothing-but-mean, gossiping. I am not remotely close to being perfect in this area..It's something I REALLY want to work on, so help me :)