Her birth didn't go exactly how I had planned, but it happened.. and it's over.. and I'm not in pain anymore :) We got to the hospital at 5:30am & were admitted around 6. I came in dilated 4.5 centimeters & was very happy about that! I was detemined to have this baby by noon! At 6:30 Dr. Chou broke my water, they started me on pitocin at 7:30 & the fun began. I started having minor contractions & was nauseous and uncomfortable until I got my epidural at 8:30. My right leg was DEAD from the epidural, but I could still fully move my left. That was the first bad sign. I did feel amazing for 2 hours. No pain.. just rested and enjoyed the bliss. Around 10:15 I statrted feeling pain on my left side.. contractions. I told the nurses & they said I had to lay on my left side to "even things out" for 15 minutes before they would call the anesthesiologist . I almost died. After 15 minutes I pushed the call bell & told them I needed him NOW. They called him & he said he'd "be right up" to fix the epidural. About 15 minutes later I pushed the call button again & told them it HURT. I had dilated to 7cm at that point, and they were giving each other this look. I was not happy. I told them I came in to get drugs, not to feel THIS! I was hurting so badly.
They called Dr. Chou in & she was there by 11:10. At this point I was screaming as I clung to the side of the bed. I told Andrew this was how it felt with Colten (where I had no medicine), and was crying and whining. Sigh. Dr. Chou very calmly reminded me that if I push, it won't hurt anymore. Then I remembered how AMAZING it felt once Colten was out of me, and I was determined to get Clara out. I pushed 3 times.. for a total of about 6 minutes, and she was born! The first thing I said when I saw her was, "She's tiny!!", and the nurses laughed & said no.. she's not, she's solid. Clara was born at 11:27 weighing 9lbs 4 ozs and was 21 inches long. She was bruised and swollen & her poor little face must have hurt so badly.
She nurses wonderfully & was already 9lbs 6ozs at her 5 day check up. Man oh man do I love this baby girl.
This little boy has handled things SO well so far. He is very interested in touching Clara, says "hi" to her all the time, but he really hasn't been too jealous. He is getting tons of attention from daddy, grandma, and grandpa, and I know that has helped a ton. He's still eating and sleeping well, and I think he's happy. I miss having so much time with just him & I feel like I've missed out on the last 9 days of his life, but he's been in good hands. He is definitely an ornery one-year-old, but what else could I expect? I love him so much it's insane. However, when 7:30 rolls around, I am so grateful for bed time. I am one tired mama about 1/2 of the day, could be worse!
Counting my blessings one by one.. <3